Midlife Counseling Issues
Truth in Love 499
There is hope and comfort for the middle-aged believer amid the unique trials of this season.

Spurgeon the Pastor
Truth In Love 393
Called the “Prince of Preachers,” Charles Spurgeon was a world-renowned preacher. But many do not know Spurgeon the Pastor.

Failure and Fatigue in Ministry
Truth in Love 384
How do shepherds guard themselves from burning out in ministry?

Preaching as Soul Care
Truth In Love 339
The church itself is intended to be the institution of soul care. We cannot disassociate the ministry of preaching from the ministry of biblical counseling.

Addressing Sinful Pastoral Leadership
Truth in Love 319
Pastors are called to imitate Christ, to be gentle, to be lowly but also to be convictional and wisely shepherd people with the heart of Christ.

The Influence of Counseling on Preaching
When I climb into the pulpit to preach on a Sunday morning, my biblical counseling training comes with me.

John Newton and Biblical Counseling
Truth in Love 287
John Newton shows us that faithful, biblical theology fuels accurate and helpful counseling.

The Sharpened Sword
How Biblical Counseling Impacts Preaching
Five reasons pastors invested in counseling can expect to see increased effectiveness in their preaching.

Pastors, We Are Called to Counsel
Helping suffering people has been a ministry of the church since its inception.