In a Night of Anxiety
Instead of meditating on difficult circumstances, we are wise to fill our prayers with meditations on the Lord’s goodness.
The Holy Spirit and Biblical Counseling
One can trust fully in the sufficient Spirit and Word of God in every element of counseling.
Out of Control? Learning to Establish a Biblical Use of Time and Priorities
As we consider our responsibilities and schedules, we do well to start by remembering some of God’s key principles about time and tasks.
The Counselor’s Spiritual Life
The counselor’s ministry should overflow from his spiritual growth and maturity.
First Sessions and Asking Questions
Only when we know our counselees well will we be able to guide them well from the Scriptures.
What Are You Thinking?
There is an intimate connection between the way we think and the way we live.
Counseling and First Impressions
While Job’s friends made a positive initial impression their foolish counsel left them rebuked by God —something we want to avoid.
Satan Will Be Crushed
The end of the story is that God of peace will crush Satan under our feet. And if we are in Christ, we will live in victory and joy with Him, eternally.
Setting Goals
We have opportunities every day to move towards the goal of Christlikeness and pleasing God in all the activities of our day.
Service and Suffering
How is it possible to serve when you are suffering? How could Christ serve in the presence of suffering, and how could He command us to do the same?