Responding Biblically to Childhood Abuse
Truth In Love 328
Christians who experienced abuse from their parents when they were children yet want to obey God’s call to honor their parents face a dilemma.
Addressing Sinful Pastoral Leadership
Truth in Love 319
Pastors are called to imitate Christ, to be gentle, to be lowly but also to be convictional and wisely shepherd people with the heart of Christ.
When Counselees Attack
How should you respond when you become the target of your counselee’s sinful behavior?
When Your Counselee Lies to You
Call on counselees caught in a lie to speak the truth, and to see the abundant grace the Lord has to offer.
When Trials Open a Door for the Gospel
See suffering as a chance to be used by God to further the Gospel and His kingdom.
Quarantine Exposes Our Need for Grace
Quarantine reveals the comforts we have so idolized that we are willing to sin in order to get them.