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48 Results for

A Task Interrupted

Why and How the Church Departed from Biblical Counseling

We must be aware that the church has a unique and special role and that counseling is central to that role.

The Peacemaker

Book Review

Some people are more interested in avoiding conflict than resolving it.

The Spiritual Nature of Mental Illness

Part 2 | Ignoring the Spiritual Nature of Mental Illness

This is part two of a four part series that explores the spiritual nature of the mental illness paradigm.

Who is the Ken Ham of the Biblical Counseling Movement?

Responding to Critiques of Biblical Counseling

Science and psychology often contradict. One can embrace science while being suspicious of psychology.

Premarital Counseling that Strengthens the Church

Regardless of the new couple’s background and spiritual maturity, joining into a new covenantal union with each other is a profound change.


A Necessary Ingredient for Sexual Purity

Scripture makes it clear that sexual impurity grows in the soil of ingratitude.

Letters to a Romantic: on Dating

Book Review

The combination of two people figuring out if they like each other, with the opinions of family, friends, and mentors sprinkled in, can create a chaotic and confusing scene.

How to Find Joy During Trials

A look into James 1:2-4 and the refuge it gives believers in the midst of trials and hardships.

Rebuilding a Marriage After Betrayal

Gain insight into how to rebuild a marriage after betrayal by addressing both the offended and the offender.

Guilt Leading to Repentance

What is guilt, and how should we handle legitimate guilty feelings?

Jay Adams

A Man Who Embraced God's Joy

Jay possessed an absolutely infectious joy, the kind of delight that only our great Savior could produce.

Help for the Counselor Who Feels Overwhelmed

None of us can begin to counsel without a dependence on the Lord.