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48 Results for

A New Example of an Old Adage

Trust and Obey

Our responsibility is simple—trust and obey. God handles the rest.

Thanksgiving: Necessary Ingredient for Sexual Purity

An ungrateful heart leads to sexual impurity.

Stand Alone On the Word of God

A Miscarriage Story

It is only after you are convinced of God’s goodness through trials can you learn to consider it all joy.

Oil and Water

The Impossible Relationship between Evangelicalism and Reparative Therapy

The attitudes of our culture about homosexuality cannot change the sinfulness of it.

When Life Seems Too Hard

We must never lose sight of the fact that no matter how overwhelming our life looks, it is never impossible.

The Heart of Church Conflict

This seminar will seek to answer the question: Where do church leadership and conflict intersect?

Who Can Women Counsel?

God is sovereign and He determines the roles of men and women in the home and in the church.

A Special Announcement

An important announcement about the future of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.

A Biblical View of Finances

God gives everything, and everything we have has been given to us. We need to remember that. We are really managers, not owners of our money.

Taming Technology

It is possible to love and use all kinds of technology, but still make radical choices to prevent technology from taking over our lives.

Biblical Sorrow Without Sinful Complaining

Long before you start pointing out how someone might be sinning in their circumstances, I hope as a counselor that you’re willing to create a safe place for them to sorrow.


This article announces the transition of NANC to ACBC.