What Can an Unbeliever Know?
Truth in Love 481
Discussing the unbeliever’s counsel in light of epistemology and common grace.
Mind vs Brain
Truth In Love 360
What is the difference between the brain and the mind, biblically speaking?
Helping Counselees Form Good Habits
Truth in Love 335
Our goal as biblical counselors is to help form habits in the counselee that will last long after we’re done meeting with them.
Heart and Habits
Truth in Love 327
God regularly and predominantly uses our habits to bring about greater spiritual maturity.
Evidence of Salvation and Protection of Faith
When a believer is walking in the Spirit, led by the Spirit, and keeping in step with the Spirit, the Spirit of God produces self-control in that person.
Helping Marriages through Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
A couple can be equipped to face PTSD even if PTSD and its symptoms never leave their marriage.
Helping Your Family Through Post Traumatic Stress
Truth in Love 180
How do you help your family through post traumatic stress?
A Theology of Exposure
Nothing is Hidden
Sinful living is accompanied with the promise of exposure—those wrongs will come to light.