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Understanding and Dealing with Suicide

What will keep you from a life of suicide is not just knowing the 23rd Psalm, but knowing the Shepherd.

Four Truths to Remember this 4th of July

A biblical view of freedom in light of the 4th of July.

Knowing When to Graduate Your Counselee

Truth in Love 340

Teach your counselee to find graceβ€”the empowering grace to live the Christian life and to regularly feed from God’s Word.

Regional Training Speaker Agreement

Counseling and Discipleship Training Agreement Honorarium and Speaking Non-ACBC staff speaking at a CDT weekend will receive $250 per lecture. Honoraria checks will be delivered […]


Seeking God’s Glory Through Self-Confrontation

This essay presents a model for biblical repentance. A person first determines that change should happen. He then designs a plan for change. And then he starts doing what he has resolved to do.

Why Christians Need Freud

Read Freud, Skinner, and their followers as philosophyβ€”not as science.

Prayer and Fasting

Truth in Love 193

Prayer and fasting remind us of our dependence on God and that He is the source of all we need.

Fase 3: SupervisiΓ³n

ΒΏCΓ³mo funciona? Preguntas Frecuentes

For the Grieving Parent with the Loss of a Child

The story of our children who have died has just begun. The Bible gives us a different hope.

Jay Adams and the Hermeneutics of Biblical Counseling

Change doesn’t happen in fuzzy land. Biblical counselors have a responsibility to interpret the Bible with specific application in mind.

Best Practices for Virtual Biblical Counseling

Truth In Love 427

Technology helps us reach far beyond the walls of a building, so how do we best utilize virtual counseling in our ministry?