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132 Results for Keeping%20a%20Cross%20Cultural%20Covenant

Suffering with Chronic Pain While Clinging to Enduring Hope

Three expressions of God’s grace to consider in the face of chronic pain—prayer, promises, and people.

Help for Eating Disorders and Distorted Thinking

When we are trying to recreate our own identity, we are nullifying the grace of God.

Jesus Wept

Jesus wept so that one day you never would ever have to weep again.

The Two-Part Epoxy of Humility and Love

Explore what the Bible says about two key ingredients for biblical unity.

Confronting Misconceptions of ACBC Counselors

We Try to Get Counselees off of Psychiatric Medication

There is a great deal that many do not know about people certified by ACBC. In this series, we address three common misconceptions.

The Standards of Doctrine of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors

Counseling is a theological discipline that must be informed by the truths of the faith once for all delivered to the saints in the pages of Holy Scripture.

Anger and Stress Management God’s Way

Book Review

Dr. Mack provides a practical review of anger and stress, then provides biblical solutions and hope.

Handling Relational Conflict with Wisdom

When biblical ways of relating have been learned, issues will dissolve as if they had never existed.

How Repentance Gets Hamstrung

Repentance is the only road that leads back to Jesus, where forgiving grace and transforming grace overflow for those who trust in His name.

Stand for Biblical Counseling

Dear Friend of Biblical Counseling, Greetings! We want to inform you of an ongoing development that could have significant ramifications for biblical counselors. In West […]

The Bible and the Problem of Hair Pulling

Truth in Love 130

How can we care for someone who struggles with the issue of hair pulling?

Practical Tips for One Anothering

Truth in Love 304

The Bible is practical in how it instructs us to love one another.