Biblical Sexual Ethics in the Local Church: A Necessary Course of Instruction
The Journal of Biblical Soul Care
In Pursuit of Approval: The Sexual Revolution and the Degradation of Conservative Christianity
The Journal of Biblical Soul Care
An Evaluation of the Sexual Identity Construct (Part 2)
Truth In Love 416
How do we evaluate, expose, and explain to our counselees the ideology behind sexual identity construct?
An Evaluation of the Sexual Identity Construct (Part 1)
Truth In Love 415
Why is modern psychology’s sexual identity construct so pervasive, dangerous, and deceitful?
The Church and Polyamory
Truth in Love 248
The counsel we give must be rooted in the design of Scripture.
Sexual Struggles in Marriage
Every married couple experiences seasons of difficulty in their sex life and there is hope in the gospel.
Same-Sex Physical Attraction in Counseling
Truth in Love 90
Same-sex attraction is sin and should be handled as any other sin should be handled.
Sexuality, Science, and Scripture
The heart of the matter is not our preferences, and it is not science. It is what God has revealed in His Word.