Praying the Psalms
From the depths of despair to the heights of praise, the Psalms teach us how to communicate with our Creator in every season of life.
The Love of a Leading Man
The love of a leading man depicts marriage as an elegant dance. The husband leads in such a way that serves his wife, so that she might flourish.
Basic Homework from the Psalms
The Psalms provide a language of lament, joy, hope, sorrow, and faith. They can shape our counseling conversations.
The Church behind Barbed Wire
Truth In Love 390
What can we learn from the issues with counseling and soul care that developed during the Japanese American Internment in World War II?
Counsel from Habakkuk
Truth In Love 372
How does Habbakuk’s counsel inform our view of God, our circumstances and our counseling?
7 Words of Counsel from Habakkuk
Despite his brevity, this minor prophet teaches us about God’s answers to life’s most difficult questions.
Why We Should Counsel from the Old Testament Prophets
We must read, interpret, and apply the prophets in order to better know Jesus and to enjoy him more fully.
The Heart of Deconstruction
Counseling Postvangelicals
Suppose a friend informs you they are deconstructing their faith and now identify as a postvangelical. How would you engage them with biblical counsel?
Help When Anxiety Keeps You Up At Night
Psalm 4
In Psalm 4, David counsels his own soul by combatting three sinful responses to anxiety with biblical promises and Godward prayer.