Pray Then Like This
Six Principles of Prayer from the Lord’s Prayer
Understanding how Jesus prays leads us towards a more intimate, God centered, and robust prayer life.

Cultivating a Spiritually Grounded Marriage
Truth in Love 271
Jesus places the priority in marriage, and in every stage of life for that matter, as Himself.

Thinking Wisely About Technology
Truth in Love 265
How does technology relate to doing all things for the glory of God?

Pornography and Dating
Truth in Love 247
Unfortunately, pornography is a common issue, even in our churches today.

Setting Your Child’s Spiritual Trajectory
Truth in Love 216
It’s hard for us to set a trajectory that we ourselves are not on.

Addiction Intervention
Truth in Love 212
The biblical goals of an intervention are to glorify God and call the person to repentance.

How to Build a Church Counseling Ministry
Truth in Love 208
Building a counseling ministry encourages church members to become more like Christ and disciple others.

Biblical Counseling and Discipleship
Truth in Love 163
What’s the difference between biblical counseling and discipleship?