Journies to Biblical Counseling
Truth in Love 474
“As a pastor…I was just overwhelmed with problems, and I didn’t know what to do about them…”

How Not to Counsel: Learning from Job’s Friends
Truth in Love 352
It’s important to stop and consider the ways in which we are counseling. Are our words consistent with what God has said in His Word?

The Stewardship of Suffering
Truth in Love 291
How can we view suffering as a stewardship entrusted to us by God?

The Value of Training in Biblical Counseling
One pastor’s testimony of how God used biblical counseling training to sustain his ministry—and himself.

Practical Help for the Family from Proverbs
Truth in Love 242
Proverbs is wisdom literature, and one of the great themes in the book is family relationships.

Helping Families Say Goodbye
Truth in Love 197
The Bible gives us confidence that we can, as believers, have joy even in the midst of suffering.

Living With Chronic Pain
Truth in Love 71
Hear this encouragement to trust in the Lord and cling to prayer, God’s promises, God’s people, and physicians.

Ministering the Book of Lamentations
Helping People Find Hope When Hope Seems Gone
The third chapter of the book of Lamentations provides counselors with a four pronged view of biblical hope.