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Biblical Reasons Not to Worry

We lose sight of God’s fatherly care when we worry.

Help for Eating Disorders and Distorted Thinking

When we are trying to recreate our own identity, we are nullifying the grace of God.

Parenting in a Hyper-Sexualized Culture

We can speak about sex the way God does in the Bible and we can do so in an age appropriate way.

The Blessings and Struggles of Singleness

Truth in Love 8

There are many unique blessings and challenges that come with being single.

Widening a Closed Heart

Paul’s love for the Corinthians shows us that our hearts can widen towards others, even in the face of great hurt.

What Are You Waiting For?

Remember that your wait is under the sovereign hand of our Almighty God; don’t grow weary, He is working.

Remembering God’s Faithfulness

He who provided for you in the past will provide for you in the future.

What Are Our Responsibilities to Those We Counsel?

Do not allow your counseling to stop when the individual leaves your appointment.


Remember your security in Christ and your future hope. Don’t let the disappointments in life derail your faith.

Responding Biblically to Your Past

The world places major emphasis on the power of an individual’s past.

Suffering with Chronic Pain While Clinging to Enduring Hope

Three expressions of God’s grace to consider in the face of chronic pain—prayer, promises, and people.

Thinking Wisely About Technology

Truth in Love 265

How does technology relate to doing all things for the glory of God?