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205 Results for fear of man

The Effect of Sin on Our Thinking

Under the noetic effects of sin, people really do believe that they can save themselves.

Facing Manipulation

Refusing to submit to God because we’re afraid of how our counselee might respond is allowing the counselee to dethrone Christ in our lives.

Christ-like Love

We need to communicate and relate to people in a way that they can see clearly that our motive is Christ-like love.

Helping Counselees Understand the Connection of Fear of Man to Trusting God

With the foundation of God’s sovereignty, wisdom, and steadfast love our counselees will be prepared to embrace trusting God wholeheartedly.

How Should Biblical Counselors Assess EMDR Therapy?

Truth in Love 273

We see ourselves for who we truly are by measuring ourselves against the truth of Scripture.

When Panic Attacks

In times of anxiety, we can lift our eyes to the One who has all the answers for our fear and worry.

When All Hope Seems Lost

Scripture is sufficient to answer how and why people experience a level of despair as great as suicide.

Ministering the Book of Lamentations: Giving Hope When Hope Seems Gone

Where do you find hope when hope seems gone?

Help Your Teen Before He Is One 

Being a teen is not easy, however, parents can biblically prepare their children well for this season to come.

Helping Marriages through Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

A couple can be equipped to face PTSD even if PTSD and its symptoms never leave their marriage.

Sword Words

Sword words, or verbal abuse, hurt, do damage, and feel like the thrusts of a metal object into your body.


Seeking God’s Glory Through Self-Confrontation

This essay presents a model for biblical repentance. A person first determines that change should happen. He then designs a plan for change. And then he starts doing what he has resolved to do.