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Four Truths to Remember this 4th of July

A biblical view of freedom in light of the 4th of July.

Counseling a Fearful and Abused Wife

Counsel an abused wife by addressing fear, reconnecting to the Lord, and training for righteous responses.

Depression and the King of Comedy

If depression can defeat the King of Comedy, what hope is there for the rest of us?

Understanding Addiction

A Moral Problem, Not a Disease

It is important that Christians make correct distinctions between medical issues and moral failures.

Blame after a Breakup

Breakups are a time for honest examination and then a total affirmation of the righteousness found in Christ.

Navigating Difficult Family Relationships at Christmas

When you are faced with a divisive family member, remember that this is an example of why Jesus came.

Caring for Aging Parents

Receive guidance in coming alongside aging family members in a way that points them to the glorious Savior.

The Rewards of Obedience

Does God reward obedience, and if so, then how?

Striving in Prayer

When we remember that all human effort lies prostrate before the throne of God’s providence, we’ll strive in prayer.

When Sinners Say I Do

Book Review

A heart that loves the Lord and recognizes God’s mercy and grace is a heart that will extend forgiveness and grace in marriage.

Reviving a Broken or Stagnant Marriage

In order to get unstuck or to see any significant healthy traction in a marriage, both people need to understand the purpose of marriage.

One Sinner To Another

How the Church Must Speak About Homosexuality 

There are voices tempting us to speak grace without repentance, or speak conviction without care.