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The War on Manhood

Truth in Love 217

We have to return to a biblical understanding of masculinity and manhood according to the Word of God.

The War on Manhood Part 2

Truth in Love 221

As believers, we start from the sure ground of Scripture when discussing biblical manhood.

Member Care

Truth In Love 374

How do we care well for our missionaries by shepherding their hearts?

Waiting Upon the Lord in a Busy World

We live in a world that instantly gratifies our needs. This is however contrary to the Christian privilege of waiting upon the Lord.

Counseling for the Church

Truth In Love 396

How does the vision “For the Church” shape the way we think about biblical counseling, seminaries, and parachurch ministries?

Biblical Discernment, Neuroscience and Trauma

Truth in Love 414

When people attempt to simplify neuroscience to make it relatable and understandable, we often lose critical information. How can we discern the truth behind claims related to trauma?

An Evaluation of the Sexual Identity Construct (Part 1)

Truth In Love 415

Why is modern psychology’s sexual identity construct so pervasive, dangerous, and deceitful?

Rebuilding a Marriage After Betrayal

Gain insight into how to rebuild a marriage after betrayal by addressing both the offended and the offender.

The CBT Therapist in Us All

A Biblical Evaluation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is popular among many Christians who believe that it is able to be effectively integrated into a Christian worldview.

Counseling Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Plotting the Course

We need to be prepared to help those who have suffered in the aftermath of life-altering and sometimes life-ending affliction.

Giving Homework According to the Stages and Phases of a Counselee

Learn ways to assess what homework would be most helpful for your counselee.

Considering Personality Typologies

Truth in Love 305

It is the Holy Spirit who unveils and helps us to see the type of people that we are.