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63 Results for anxiety worry

What Are You Thinking?

There is an intimate connection between the way we think and the way we live.

Infertility and Miscarriage

Truth in Love 433

How do we counsel those who are struggling with infertility and miscarriages?

The Power of Renewed Thinking 

God has provided specific help and rescue for you to renew your mind through the promises and truths of Scripture.

Guidance and the Will of God in Counseling

Truth in Love 463

How do we think biblically about decision-making?

Fear in Pandemics

Truth in Love 251

Fear is a symptom that demonstrates we’ve been trusting in the wrong thing.

Counseling Those Who Served

We can turn to God’s Word for both comfort and guidance in how to deal with the traumatic events people have experienced along with the fallout of those events.

Giving Homework According to the Stages and Phases of a Counselee

Learn ways to assess what homework would be most helpful for your counselee.

Counseling Abandoned Women

Truth in Love 192

While her circumstances appear to be out of control, God is always in control of her circumstances.

Confronting Misconceptions of ACBC Counselors

We Oppose Medical Science

There is a great deal that many do not know about people certified by ACBC. In this series, we address three common misconceptions.

Heaven’s Hope

Truth in Love 227

We must first identify human suffering as real, in a lot of different ways and a lot of different forms.

Who is Saying Medicine is Unimportant?

Biblical counseling leaders have articulated the importance of the physical body and medical treatment.

Basic Homework from the Psalms

The Psalms provide a language of lament, joy, hope, sorrow, and faith. They can shape our counseling conversations.