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Forgiveness from the Heart

Forgiveness always costs the forgiver. Forgiving us cost Jesus His life!

More than Preachers

The Solas and Soul-Care of the Reformers

The passion of the reformers to pastor God’s people grew out of their knowledge of the ministry of Christ.

Oil and Water

The Impossible Relationship between Evangelicalism and Reparative Therapy

The attitudes of our culture about homosexuality cannot change the sinfulness of it.

Counseling Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Plotting the Course

We need to be prepared to help those who have suffered in the aftermath of life-altering and sometimes life-ending affliction.

Understanding and Dealing with Suicide

What will keep you from a life of suicide is not just knowing the 23rd Psalm, but knowing the Shepherd.

Four Truths to Remember this 4th of July

A biblical view of freedom in light of the 4th of July.

Praying for God’s Glory

We see in Jesus’ prayer life that God’s glory is prioritized even when it may be more difficult than expected.

Parenting and the Bullied Child

Truth in Love 232

Helping our children turn towards deliberate reflection on the gospel is very important because we’ve wronged God infinitely more than that bully has wronged our children.

Counseling Those in Debt

Truth In Love 385

Is being in debt a sin? How can a Christian rightly think about debt?

Helping the Bullied Child to Overcome Evil with Good

How to shepherd your child who is being bullied with the wisdom of Romans 12.

The Valley of the Shadow

The Bible teaches that suffering is to be expected in this life, but we are not left without help or hope.

Christian Psychology

An Introduction and Biblical Analysis

Christian Psychology is a unique form of psychology which seeks to develop a distinctly Christian model for understanding the human condition.