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Responding Biblically to Your Past

The world places major emphasis on the power of an individual’s past.

Promises for Overcoming the Fear of Man

God promises power from the Holy Spirit to overcome the fear of man and to do what He is calling us to do.

Satan Will Be Crushed

The end of the story is that God of peace will crush Satan under our feet. And if we are in Christ, we will live in victory and joy with Him, eternally.

How Compassionate is Your Counseling?

Do others see Christ’s compassion demonstrated in your words and actions?

Considering Neuroscience in Biblical Counseling

Truth in Love 336

How do we, as biblical counselors, read the research of neuroscience with a helpful eye that doesn’t dismiss it out of hand but maintains a discerning heart?

The Biblical View of a Person

Truth In Love 350

Reality has to be understood with the perspective of God’s revelation. Man is revelation-dependent.

Biblical Authority is Key to Counseling Transgenderism

Biblical authority means that God is the One who has made us and thus, we are His. God is the one that identifies us and informs our self-conception.

Conformity to Christ and the Capacity to Enjoy Him

In counseling, one must teach their counselees to see their trials as the road to becoming more like their Savior. Embracing this truth will lead to a more profound joy and enjoyment of Him.

Is Biblical Counseling Really CBT?

Biblical counseling and CBT offer two different mechanisms for how people change that stem from two different anthropologies.

What Makes Me the Way I Am?

Truth in Love 92

Jeremy Pierre addresses why Christians should care about the things they act, say, and think.