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161 Results for social%20anxiety

Misrepresentations of Biological Psychiatry Part 1

Truth in Love 311

Examine some of the exaggerated claims of biological psychiatry highlighted by the Harvard Review of Psychiatry.

Shepherding Divisive Opinions

Truth in Love 315

There’s a difference between a congregant who disagrees with something versus someone who has a divisive approach.

Thinking Biblically About Choosing a College

Truth in Love 299

A lot of people seem to think that choosing a college is an area that God does not need to be involved in.

The Diseasing of Anxiety and Depression

Truth in Love 260

What is the problem with labeling anxiety and depression as diseases?

How to Approach New Medical Research

Truth in Love 236

Medical research is a great gift, but is not infallible.

The War on Manhood Part 2

Truth in Love 221

As believers, we start from the sure ground of Scripture when discussing biblical manhood.

Sexuality, Science, and Scripture

The heart of the matter is not our preferences, and it is not science. It is what God has revealed in His Word.

Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and the Dallas Police Massacre

Truth in Love 58

On this edition of Truth in Love, Dr. Lambert addresses some of the racial tensions in American culture.

Pastors, We Are Called to Counsel

Helping suffering people has been a ministry of the church since its inception.

Finding Financial Support for Your Counseling Ministry

Four suggestions to help counseling ministries continue in the midst of economic upheaval.

Who Is the Counselor’s Counselor?

The Holy Spirit is called alongside to help you as your helper and counselor.

Are Biblical Counselors Unbiblical?

Evaluating Transformational Psychology’s Exegetical Foundations

There are many models of Christian counseling that vie for the consideration of the church.