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203 Results for heaven

Is the Term “Control” a Biblical Way to Describe a Seemingly Common Problem?

How do we replace sinful control with submission unto Christ and His Word?

Purifying the Conscience

Truth in Love 469

What does the Bible says about our conscience?

Christians and Masturbation

Truth in Love 102

Sex is a unitive act given by God to bless creation in the context of marriage.

Journies to Biblical Counseling

Truth in Love 474

“As a pastor…I was just overwhelmed with problems, and I didn’t know what to do about them…”

The Influence of a Godly Wife 

Cultivate beauty that can’t be seen and never perishes.

When Your 6-Year-Old Professes Faith in Christ

Help For Parents

We love our children, we labor for their souls, and we desire nothing more than for our sons and daughters to also become brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Theology of Addiction: We Become What We Worship 

There is hope in addiction, because true worship is possible through the Work of Christ.

Discerning what a Counseling System Really Believes

What really makes up a counseling system?

Counsel vs. Counseling

Truth in Love 490

How do we think wisely about who needs ongoing care or simply circumstantial guidance?

How Do We Make Sense of the Hype of Natural Health

Natural health through the lens of biblical counseling.

PTSD, Memories, and Biblical Counseling

Almost anyone who struggles with the aftermath of a traumatic event will have some difficulty and concerns with memories of the event.