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14 Results for

Engaging the Culture in 2018

Truth in Love 141

What are the biggest cultural issues that are trending in 2018?

Christian Unity and the 2016 Presidential Election

Truth in Love 74

Christians can pursue unity during contested elections by practicing the one anothers found in Scripture.

Helping Marriages through Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

A couple can be equipped to face PTSD even if PTSD and its symptoms never leave their marriage.

Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert

Rosaria’s testimony shows that the solution to all sin is Christ’s atoning blood.

What’s Wrong With Reparative Therapy?

A biblical goal for persons struggling with same-sex attraction is something much more glorious than mere heterosexuality.

Why Christians Need Freud

Read Freud, Skinner, and their followers as philosophy—not as science.

Presidential Election Derangement Syndrome

Our hope does not depend on the American President. It depends on the immortal king who is in heaven.

Thinking Hopefully, Not Wishfully

God is the agent of our hope, and He cannot be thwarted. What He promises, must be accomplished.

A Theology of Exposure

Nothing is Hidden

Sinful living is accompanied with the promise of exposure—those wrongs will come to light.

A Fight For Life

Truth in Love 9

How should Christians respond following the horrors revealed about the operations of Planned Parenthood?

Creating a Culture of Life in the Local Church

Truth in Love 11

How can a church address sanctity of life?

Counseling a Fearful and Abused Wife

Counsel an abused wife by addressing fear, reconnecting to the Lord, and training for righteous responses.