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44 Results for

We Can Change!

Biblical change requires effort and perseverance. It takes work, but it brings hope and joy as we see change happen!

Comfort in a Time of Confusion

Things may look bleak from an earthly perspective, but God is faithful to right every wrong through His perfect judgement and grace.

I’m A Pastor, How Do I Counsel?

Truth in Love 19

Pastors should utilize their position of leadership to impact their flock with God’s Word in a personal way.

Biblical Help for Those with Anxious Spouses 

This article offers biblical and practical help for spouses of those struggling with severe anxiety or fear. 

How to Avoid a Lawsuit

Truth in Love 300

Does seeking legal counsel demonstrate a lack of faith in God?

Engaging Trauma Biblically

Truth In Love 413

How much does the Bible really say about trauma?

Biblical Wisdom for Anxiety

Truth In Love 420

How do we identify the desire behind sinful anxiety?

Counseling Postpartum Depression

Truth In Love 421

How do we give hope and help to women who struggle with postpartum depression?

Annual Conference – Group Watch Updates

Check this page for regularly updated Annual Conference info. Key Links Questions? Further Clarification? E-mail us at [email protected] September 20th, 2022 Update August 15th, 2022 […]

Teens and Self-Counseling (Part 2)

How can teenagers counsel their own hearts with the sufficient Word of God?

Biblical Counseling Journeys (feat. Matt Statler)

Truth in Love 436

Matthew Statler’s journey to biblical counseling after he sought help and hope through secular therapies and practices after experiencing sin and suffering through four military deployments.

Christmas Traditions with Heath Lambert

Truth in Love 446

Heath Lambert shares some of his family’s Christmas traditions on this episode of Truth in Love.