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139 Results for %20%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%

Five Questions to Help You as You Care for Others

We should be known not just for our care, but also for our determination to help those around us in need of our care.

Vanity or Body Image Problem?

True modesty doesn’t come from changing one’s wardrobe. It comes from having one’s heart changed.

Comfort for the Afflicted

God’s People and the Coronavirus

If you want to find the path of hope and avoid the path of fear, then you have to find your comfort in Christ.

Do You Want a Blessing?

Hearing and obeying God’s Word provides incredible blessings for the one who does so.

The Kindest Person in the Room

Choose kindness with the right motive to honor God and demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ to others.

Why Christians Need Freud

Read Freud, Skinner, and their followers as philosophy—not as science.

ACBC Membership Covenant Update

Our Board of Trustees has voted to approve a revised covenant for our new members to sign.

The Standards of Doctrine of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors

Counseling is a theological discipline that must be informed by the truths of the faith once for all delivered to the saints in the pages of Holy Scripture.

Fase 1: Aprendizaje

Ayudar a otros a vivir una vida transformada comienza con un enfoque bíblico centrado en el evangelio. La primera fase de la certificación ACBC incluye […]

Christian Psychology

An Introduction and Biblical Analysis

Christian Psychology is a unique form of psychology which seeks to develop a distinctly Christian model for understanding the human condition.