Can You Really Change?
As we grow in sanctification, we become more like Jesus. Our confidence stems from God’s capacity to exceed all our expectations.
The Fear of the Lord in Biblical Counseling
Understanding why a proper fear of the Lord is essential for biblical counseling.
Praying the Psalms
From the depths of despair to the heights of praise, the Psalms teach us how to communicate with our Creator in every season of life.
David’s Sin and Counseling Implications from 2 Samuel 11:2
A Lesson from the Old Testament on guarding our hearts.
Confessing Hidden Sin
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Keeping sin in the dark seems safer, but true spiritual growth flows from the repentance of hidden sins.
Good News about Bad News
One day Christ will come again and put an end to all the effects of sin and the curse.
Biblical Counseling Journeys
Truth in Love 485
Heath Lambert shares his heart for counseling and how the Lord has worked through his story.
Is It Sin or Is It Not?
Truth in Love 483
Helpful categories for understanding our actions and intentions.
Let God Interpret You: Recovering the Self in a Postmodern World
In a post-modern world, we must look to God alone to define who we are.
Counseling People from Different Theological Backgrounds
Truth in Love 480
How doctrine shapes our counseling