David’s Sin and Counseling Implications from 2 Samuel 11:2
A Lesson from the Old Testament on guarding our hearts.

Confessing Hidden Sin
Truth in Love 489
Keeping sin in the dark seems safer, but true spiritual growth flows from the repentance of hidden sins.

Is It Sin or Is It Not?
Truth in Love 483
Helpful categories for understanding our actions and intentions.

Killing Sin at the Level of Desire
The testimony of Scripture—from beginning to end—is that the desire for sin is sin, and that God’s Word forbids it.

How to Lament over Your Sin while Leaning on Your Savior
Personal sin is meant to lead us to a deeper sense of our hope in Christ.

The Counselor’s Hidden Sins
Truth in Love 324
God makes very clear that our sins are not hidden. They are open and laid bare by God Himself.

Diehard Sins
Book Review
Sin’s blinding influence can be powerful, but there is hope for one to be freed from its power and penalty—through Christ.

Fighting Against the “Small” Sins
Christ-followers have an obligation to be alert to and fight aggressively against all sin, big and small.

What is Sin?
We must understand the multi-faceted reality of sin, and how it manifests itself in our lives.