Praying the Psalms
From the depths of despair to the heights of praise, the Psalms teach us how to communicate with our Creator in every season of life.

Confidence in God’s Word
Truth In Love 460
God’s unchanging strategy for the believer’s ministry is to stand on the glorious, inexhaustible, and sufficient Word of God.

God’s Nearness in the Midst of a Cry for Justice and a Heart of Humility
Psalm 139 helps us to see that we need a bigger view of God so that we can think and act rightly in the difficult trials we face.

Counsel from Habakkuk
Truth In Love 372
How does Habbakuk’s counsel inform our view of God, our circumstances and our counseling?

Why We Should Counsel from the Old Testament Prophets
We must read, interpret, and apply the prophets in order to better know Jesus and to enjoy him more fully.

Counseling from Biblical Narratives
Truth In Love 345
How do we use the whole of the counsel of God, particularly the narratives in Scripture, when counseling?

Counseling the Right Truths From the Right Texts
Truth In Love 341
We must guard against falling into the trap of being a biblical counselor who teaches the right doctrine from the wrong texts.

Scripture Memory
Avoiding the Things that Trip us Up
Meditation on the Scripture should lead us to worship God. He is the ultimate reason for memorizing the Word.