Forgiving When There is No Repentance
Truth In Love 387
Are we commanded to forgive unconditionally in every situation, especially when there is no repentance?
Transactional Forgiveness
Truth In Love 359
There needs to be a proper understanding of key biblical doctrines to understand forgiveness.
Do I Need to Forgive Myself?
It is not by the works of the believer that their sins are forgiven, it is through the blood of Christ.
The Call to Forgive
Forgiveness is more than just words that are exchanged between people when sin has been committed.
El llamado a perdonar
El perdón es más que solo palabras que se intercambian entre las personas cuando se ha cometido pecado.
Helping Others Forgive in Light of the Cross
When your counselees face conflict or we face conflict, how do we move to forgiveness and love?
Should I Forgive Someone Who’s Not Sorry They Sinned?
Truth in Love 53
Learn about forgiveness as an action and as an attitude.
Widening a Closed Heart
Paul’s love for the Corinthians shows us that our hearts can widen towards others, even in the face of great hurt.
Should I Forgive Someone Who’s Not Sorry They Sinned?
Truth in Love 53
One of the most controversial teachings in the Bible is the teaching on the command to forgive.
Unpacking Forgiveness
— By Chris Brauns
Using Scripture, this book teaches a theology of forgiveness that is helpful for anyone who struggles with bitterness or resentment.
The Peacemaker
— By Ken Sande
This book addresses how to promote biblical conflict resolution and restoration in relationships that are full of conflict and strife.