Good News about Bad News
One day Christ will come again and put an end to all the effects of sin and the curse.

The Unwavering Resolve of Marie Durand
Marie Durand endured imprisonment for her faith for 38 years. Her perseverance provides inspiration to us to remember God’s providence, provision, and purpose in our trials and temptations.

Giving Hope in Counseling
Truth In Love 417
The importance, difference, and power of biblical hope in the counseling process.

Assurance for the Weak in Faith
True faith is that which yields itself, despite all its insufficiency, on the sufficiency of Christ.

The Stress Test Chair
What are some attributes of God that we can we call to mind in times of distress?

Take Joy in the God of Your Salvation
No matter what your suffering looks or feels like, the beauty of biblical truths like these will refresh your weary soul when you make the choice to rejoice.

Cultivating a Hope-Filled Life
Psalm 131
In Psalm 131, David calls Israel to a renewed hope in God and models for them—and us—how to cultivate a life of “effectual confidence in God.”

Waiting Upon the Lord in a Busy World
We live in a world that instantly gratifies our needs. This is however contrary to the Christian privilege of waiting upon the Lord.

Hoping in Our Great High Priest
Hebrews 4:14-16 is a Christ-centered passage that faithfully and repeatedly gives hope to our counselees by examining the person and work of Christ.

Doubt: A Common Temptation Among Believers
When doubt arises, we must be quick to remember God’s ways are not disordered, and He is against the fog of doubt that stumbles our faith.

Is God Enough?
Always stand firm on truth and remember, God our Father is sufficient for you and for me.