Missionary Care in the Local Church
Truth in Love 484
Meeting the spiritual and tangible needs of our missionaries.
If He Does Not Listen: Escalating Biblical Counseling to Church Discipline
The Journal of Biblical Soul Care
Counseling for the Church
Truth In Love 396
How does the vision “For the Church” shape the way we think about biblical counseling, seminaries, and parachurch ministries?
O Church, Arise
Truth in Love 330
The power to accomplish the work that God wants you to do is not in your cleverness or giftedness but rather in your faithfulness to deliver God’s counsel to His people.
Shepherding From the Pulpit
Truth in Love 325
Public proclamation of God’s Word has to be more than just an exegetical exercise.
When the Church Doesn’t Care Well
Truth in Love 317
The church is the institution that is responsible to God for the care of souls; we will give account to the Lord for how we handle this stewardship.
The Two-Part Epoxy of Humility and Love
Explore what the Bible says about two key ingredients for biblical unity.
Unity in the Midst of Trials
Christ died on the cross so that believers could be unified together in joyfully glorifying God forever.
Routine Maintenance of Our Souls
Your Counselee and the Church
Your counselee’s growth is connected to the growth of the local church.
Equipping Your Church for Personal Ministry
Truth in Love 231
Equip the church to be a place of discipleship and care.