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Biblical Counseling and Psychology

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Is the Mind Central to Change?

Nate Brooks dives into anthropology and psychology in light of cognitive behavioral therapy.

Feb 3, 2021

Mental Health

A Biblical Perspective

A biblical perspective of mental health is rooted in an understanding of what the Bible defines as “healthy.”

Oct 18, 2019

How to Live with the Mind of Christ in an Abnormal World

In this world, how do we go on living with the mind of Christ, providing an example of model mental health?

Oct 18, 2019

¿Psicología o consejería bíblica?

Antes de hablarle a una persona de cómo puede cambiar, debemos tener cuidado de la fuente de donde vamos a sacar la verdad. Para los seguidores de Jesucristo la fuente de verdad es la palabra de Dios. 

Jun 28, 2018

Counseling and Medical Issues

Panel Discussion

How can you encourage someone with a very complicated diagnosis?