Words of Life
— By Timothy Ward
Words of Life answers why Scripture should be trusted, and how it must be the rock of every believer in order to live a God-honoring life.

When People are Big and God is Small
— By Ed Welch
Using Scripture, Welch reorients the reader’s perspective and provides a refreshing remedy to the innate struggles of people pleasing.

Trusting God
— By Jerry Bridges
This book teaches the reader about the providence, sovereignty, and power of God; He is worthy to be trusted in every area of our life, big and small.

A Theology of Christian Counseling
— By Jay Adams
This book connects sound theology with counseling and teaches how Scripture is sufficient to counsel.

A Theology of Biblical Counseling
— By Heath Lambert
Lambert unpacks the theological convictions that are foundational to sound biblical counseling.

Systematic Theology
— By John Frame
Frame’s Systematic Theology is the culmination of his own study of the Word of God presented in a clear format so that all readers may understand God’s plan.

Systematic Theology
— By Louis Berkhof
In this concise yet rich theology book, Berkhof explains the core of Reformed Theology.

Power Encounters
Reclaiming Spiritual Warfare
— By David Powlison
This book provides a clear and biblical perspective on spiritual warfare and demons.

Moody Handbook of Theology
— By Paul Enns
The Moody Handbook is a comprehensive study of theology that is clearly organized in a one volume handbook—making deep truths accessible to all people.

The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible
— By B.B. Warfield
This book presents a comprehensive study on the authority of Scripture and how the Word of God was inspired.

God’s Greater Glory
— By Bruce Ware
Clinging to Scripture as the sole authority, and using historic tradition when helpful, God’s Greater Glory teaches who God is and what it means to have a relationship with Him.

A Fight to the Death
— By Wayne Mack
This book teaches on the gravity of sin and how to practically fight the battle of sin in our personal lives.