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Helping our Counselees to be Disciplined in the Word and Prayer 

Often in the counseling room, we are quick to discover that the ones we are counseling are lacking in discipline regarding their time in the word and prayer. How do we motivate them to treasure the things that will aid them in overcoming their sins and life challenges? We can motivate them by encouraging them to be disciplined in the word and prayer. How do we do this effectively? I would like to give some help as we think through this in the acrostic discipline. 

Desiring the Word and Delighting in the Word. We can ask them if they have an appetite for the Word of God? If not, why not? What is taking away their appetite? Is their time in the Word and in prayer a delight or a dread? Do they pant for God like the deer pants for water? Can’t wait to meet with Him? Again, if not, why not? At this point, we might want to be sure they have a relationship with the living God. Ezekiel 11:19 states, “And I will give them one heart and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh.”  

Idols Must Be Put Away. We might need to probe further, asking them what they love or whom they love. Do they love that thing or that person more than God? What do they spend their day doing? Have they kept a time journal lately to see where their time goes? Their energy? Their monies? Many counselees get caught up in things that are passing when they could be spending time in the word that is eternal. Remind them that God will have no other idols before Him. He is a jealous God when it comes to His time with them. Again, Ezekiel says in 36:25, “Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean, I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols.” 

Spend Ample Time. How much time do they spend in the Word and prayer on a daily basis? Are they under the myth that a chapter a day will keep the devil away or a popcorn call to God will keep them from becoming a fraud? Are they willing to miss sleep or even a meal to have more time with God? What are they willing to give up for Him? What is crowding their schedule that keeps them from having meaningful time with Him? A reminder here would be our Lord who rose a great while before day to pray as well as stayed up all night to pray (Mark 1:35 and Luke 6:12,13). 

Cultivate Daily Habits. What daily habits do they have in place right now? Brushing your teeth? Putting your make up on? Exercising? Eating? Working? Driving the kids to school or homeschooling them? Have they cultivated a meaningful daily discipline of time with God? 1 Timothy 4:7 says we are to discipline ourselves to godliness. 

Importance of Proper Hermeneutics. Do they know the proper rules of interpretation? If they don’t, I would encourage them to find someone who does and let them help you. Do they involve themselves in serious Bible study or are they sloppy in Bible study? What are they currently studying? What are they currently memorizing? 2 Timothy 2:15 reminds us, “Study to show ourselves approved of God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 

Pray Before, During, and after Your Study Time, and of Course, Pray Daily. Are they in the habit of praying when they read, study, or memorize? Encourage them that they cannot learn anything apart from the help of the Lord and the Spirit. Praying without ceasing is a reminder in 1 Thessalonians 5:17.  

Let the Holy Spirit Be Their Teacher. Encourage them to not rush to other sources first to get help answering their biblical questions. Encourage them to pray and ask the dear Holy Spirit to help them as you study and read the Word. Jesus tells His disciples in John 16:13 that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth.  

Increase in Their Knowledge of God. Do they know more about God this year than last year? How has it changed the way they live? Has their prayer life matured in the past year? Does God answer their prayers on a regular basis? Peter reminds us in 2 Peter 3:18 that we are to be growing in knowledge of our Lord.  

Never Think They Have Arrived. Do they secretly think they are more mature than others when it comes to Bible knowledge and prayer? Do they come to the Word with humility and a desire to know more? Is there room for improvement when it comes to their time of prayer? As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 10:12, “For we are not bold to class or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves; but when they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding.” 

Endeavor to Use What You Are Learning. Encourage them to pass on biblical truths to others. To involve themselves in Bible study, discipling, and counseling relationships where they can pass on the things that God is teaching them. Titus 2 is the key passage for both men and women to be passing on the baton to the next generation.  

Dear counselor, I urge you to encourage your counselees to lay aside the trivialities of our age so that they can be disciplined in the word and prayer. This will aid in their spiritual growth and ability to put off those besetting sins.