Hope For Lasting Change: Meeting Today’s Problems With the Eternal Power of the Gospel (10 Pack)


This product includes 10 identical booklets. Price of shipping is included in the sales price.

The product is $40.00 with a $2 charge for shipping.

*Products sold after 12/19 will be shipped first week of January*



While Jesus Christ provides the ultimate cure-all to heal the sin-sick heart, we as counselors know that the need for change does not go away even after we are born again. Can you identify an area in your counselee’s life that needs change? If so, how should we as biblical counselors go about showing them the true need for change as well as the means of that change? Only an approach derived from Scripture can capitalize on the new hearts of our counselees and rely upon the power of the Holy Spirit and the church.
Samuel Stephens is Director of Membership and Certification at the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors and Assistant Professor of Biblical Counseling at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.