Helping the Bullied Child to Overcome Evil with Good
How to shepherd your child who is being bullied with the wisdom of Romans 12.
How Biblical Counseling Transformed My Marriage
Truth in Love 284
We began to see our relationship in light of pleasing God, rather than just pleasing ourselves.
Helping Men Lead in Their Home
Truth in Love 262
By understanding what godly leadership looks like, men will be able to lead well in their homes.
Parenting and the Bullied Child
Truth in Love 232
Helping our children turn towards deliberate reflection on the gospel is very important because we’ve wronged God infinitely more than that bully has wronged our children.
Finding Hope in an Unwanted Diagnosis
Truth in Love 211
There are many unknowns after receiving an unwanted diagnosis, but we do know that God is always faithful.
Counseling at Your Job
Truth in Love 189
Opportunities will arise as we seek to serve those around us.
Talking To Your Kids About Your Cancer
Truth in Love 37
Help children to learn the news about cancer alongside God’s love, wisdom, and sovereignty.
An Agenda for Premarital Counseling
Slow down the process of instruction so that genuine fellowship and friendship has time to grow.
Premarital Counseling that Strengthens the Church
Regardless of the new couple’s background and spiritual maturity, joining into a new covenantal union with each other is a profound change.