The Puritans on Contentment
Truth in Love 338
How should we understand contentment and how do we keep from confusing this idea with something like apathy or indifference?
The Sin of Murmuring
Truth in Love 337
Grumbling never travels alone. It can become a domino effect and lead us to other sins.
Striving in Prayer
When we remember that all human effort lies prostrate before the throne of God’s providence, we’ll strive in prayer.
The Love of God Triune
When we speak of God’s triunity, we aren’t being academically picky. We’re proclaiming the heart of the Christian faith.
Spiritual Strength
As believers, we’re confident that “the work which His goodness began, the arm of His strength will complete.”
Practicing Contentment
If ever we’re going to learn to be content, we must live with the confident expectation that the best is yet to come.
A Good God
Innumerable things occupy our thoughts. One of our greatest needs is to fix our fluttering thoughts on God.
Practicando el contentamiento
Si alguna vez vamos a aprender a contentarnos, debemos vivir con la expectativa segura de que lo mejor está por venir.
“Mine as an Unchanging God”
Meditating on God’s Character
Meditating on God’s immutability provides strength amidst trying circumstances, troubling sins, and nagging doubts.