What I Learned Early on as a Biblical Counselor
New counselors, don’t be discouraged with the lessons you learn. Lean in and keep pursuing growth. Trust God.

Who Can Women Counsel?
God is sovereign and He determines the roles of men and women in the home and in the church.

Does Biblical Submission Encourage Sinful Abuse?
When it comes to submission in marriage, the bottom line is God is always the higher authority.

¿La sumisión bíblica fomenta el abuso pecaminoso?
Cuando se trata de la sumisión en el matrimonio, lo fundamental es que Dios es siempre la autoridad superior.

Modesty at the Pool
Truth in Love 105
Dr. Lambert talks with Martha Peace about how girls can pursue modesty at the pool and why it’s important.

Trusting God in Your Trials
Truth in Love 85
How do we respond to God in a righteous manner while in the midst of trials?

Help For Angry Women
Truth in Love 39
For a woman to have a “gentle and quiet spirit” means that she accepts God’s dealings with her as good.