Confessing Hidden Sin
Truth in Love 489
Keeping sin in the dark seems safer, but true spiritual growth flows from the repentance of hidden sins.
Counseling a Lying Counselee
Truth in Love 454
How do we counsel a counselee who is not telling the truth?
Wrong More Often Than Right: The Problem of Psychological Diagnosis
Let us, as Biblical Counselors, redouble our efforts to think clearly about how people are being cared for in this world.
What to Do in a Spiritual Emergency
Three Principles to Keep in Mind for Ministering to Those in Crisis
When our counselees are in crisis, it can be hard to navigate the tricky waters that God is bringing us all through.
How Seeing Repentance as a Gift From God Helps You in Counseling
God is the one who is giving out the gifts, not you and not me.
The Call to Forgive
Forgiveness is more than just words that are exchanged between people when sin has been committed.
El llamado a perdonar
El perdón es más que solo palabras que se intercambian entre las personas cuando se ha cometido pecado.
Confronting Sin
A Warning from Ezekiel
Ezekiel demonstrates our responsibility to minister Scripture to others, even when it feels uncomfortable.
Overcome Evil With Good
It is only when we teach counselees to choose to show love that evil will stop its horrible spread.
Superar el mal con el bien
Sólo cuando enseñemos a nuestros aconsejados a elegir mostrar amor, el mal detendrá su horrible propagación.