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Biblical Solutions Booklet Series

These booklets have been created to strengthen and guide biblical counselors to pursue faithfulness to Scripture and personal growth.

Booklets for Biblical Counselors

As we face the issues of sin and suffering in a broken world, we all need wisdom from God. Thankfully, the Lord has given us all that we need for life and godliness through His sufficient Word (1 Peter 1:3, 2 Timothy 3:16). 

The Biblical Solutions series is designed to bring the rich truth of God’s character and promises to bear on the problems people face in everyday life. As you walk with others, seeking to minister the very words of God to them, we pray this booklet will be a resource that points you back to His truth and equips you to admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, and help the weak (1 Thessalonians 5:14).

(NEW) The Biblical Evaluations Series

There are many different approaches in secular and Christian counseling circles, but how should biblical counselors think about these various theories and practices? Should they adopt or adapt them?

The Biblical Evaluation Series was created to help counselors assess and think biblically about counseling philosophies and methodologies. Whether these counseling approaches are secular or claim to be based on the Bible, this series seeks to compare them with God’s Word and encourage biblical counselors to be confident in the sufficiency of the Bible for all of their counseling.


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A medida que nos enfrentamos a los problemas del pecado y el sufrimiento en un mundo caído, todos necesitamos sabiduría divina. Gracias a Dios, Él nos ha dado todo lo que necesitamos para la vida y la piedad a través de su Palabra, que es suficiente (2 Pedro 1:3; 2 Timoteo 3:16).

Los recursos Truth in Love (Verdad en Amor) de ACBC están diseñados para trasladar la verdad rica del carácter de Dios y las promesas de Dios a los problemas que la gente enfrenta en la vida cotidiana. Oramos que este folleto sea un recurso que le lleve de regreso a la verdad del Señor y le equipe para amonestar a los indisciplinados, animar a los desalentados y sostener a los débiles (1 Tesalonicenses 5:14), mientras usted camina junto a otros creyentes y busca ministrarles con las propias palabras de Dios.