Helping Men Lead in Their Home
Truth in Love 262
By understanding what godly leadership looks like, men will be able to lead well in their homes.
Schizophrenic Unicorn – Part 2
Truth in Love 467
Schizophrenia represents a description of symptoms, not a biological discovery by the psychiatry establishment.
Biblical Sexual Ethics in the Local Church: A Necessary Course of Instruction
The Journal of Biblical Soul Care
Unique Challenges in Counseling the Disordered Eater
Instead of reflecting the culture’s ideas of diet and health, biblical counselors can offer hope and freedom grounded in the gospel.
The Faithful Parent: A Biblical Guide to Raising a Family
Book Review
Success is not measured by how our children turn out, but by how we honor the Lord in our parenting.
The Exemplary Husband
Book Review
This book is relevant to unbelievers, new believers, or believers who need to be reminded of the fundamentals of biblical manhood.
Money in the First Years of Marriage
Money is a vital subject for newly married couples to carefully think through together.
Overcoming Sexual Sin
The Most Important Reality
The good news of the gospel is not merely that God forgives our sins, He also empowers our obedience.