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115 Results for pride

Modesty at the Pool

Truth in Love 105

Dr. Lambert talks with Martha Peace about how girls can pursue modesty at the pool and why it’s important.

Trusting God in Your Trials

Truth in Love 85

How do we respond to God in a righteous manner while in the midst of trials?

Hope After an Abortion

Truth in Love 13

We must care for the women in our midst who have chosen abortion, pointing them to the grace of Christ.

The Value of Expertise

Five ways to continue growing to become a biblical counseling expert.

Psalm 57: Taking Refuge in God

What does it mean to take refuge in God?

Can a Christian Be a Lawyer?

Truth In Love 407

How does a biblical theology of work inform one’s profession in the legal field?

Is Perfectionism Destroying Your Relationship with Food? 

Rest in the fact that you are not perfect, but Christ is.

Biblical Counseling and Heterosexuality

The Journal of Biblical Soul Care

Encouraging Parents to Stand Firm Against Unbiblical Ideologies in the Public Square

How can parents in today’s world remain faithful in their God-given responsibility as the primary instructors of their children?

Teens and Self-Counseling (Part 2)

How can teenagers counsel their own hearts with the sufficient Word of God?

Teens and Self-Counseling (Part 1)

How can teenagers counsel their own hearts with the sufficient Word of God?


As we think about how to counsel flatterers, we should also make sure we never become flattering counselors.