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88 Results for gender id

Daily Grace for Single Parents

Truth in Love 202

Enter into the world of a single parent and seek to understand the difficulties they face.

Fighting Lust

Truth in Love 167

Explore five practical ways to fight lust.

2021 Annual Conference
O Church, Arise

We care for souls because God gave the church as His community of care, His Word as our guide for care, and His Spirit as […]

Engaging Your Child’s Heart Part 2

Truth in Love 321

Parents have the call to train and engage their children by pointing them to biblical principles and the fear of the Lord.

Help for Eating Disorders and Distorted Thinking

When we are trying to recreate our own identity, we are nullifying the grace of God.

Understanding Testosterone

Truth in Love 209

What do biblical counselors need to know about male testosterone and how it affects men?

Biblical Manhood

Truth in Love 435

What is biblical masculinity, and why is it important for men?

Same-Sex Physical Attraction in Counseling

Truth in Love 90

Same-sex attraction is sin and should be handled as any other sin should be handled.

Counseling for the Church

Truth In Love 396

How does the vision “For the Church” shape the way we think about biblical counseling, seminaries, and parachurch ministries?

Can a Christian Be a Lawyer?

Truth In Love 407

How does a biblical theology of work inform one’s profession in the legal field?