The Exemplary Husband
Book Review
This book is relevant to unbelievers, new believers, or believers who need to be reminded of the fundamentals of biblical manhood.

Pursuing Purity at the Pool
Here are five suggestions to help us stay pure while many are wearing provocative attire near the water.

Counseling As Evangelism
If the work of Jesus is absolutely necessary for a Christian to grow and change, what good will counseling be for the non-Christian?

Answers to Your Counseling Questions
Truth in Love 144
Heath Lambert and Sean Perron discuss several pertinent biblical counseling questions.

The Unbiblical Nature of Reparative Therapy
Truth In Love 348
What do we believe about reparative therapy as biblical counselors, and how is it different from biblical counseling?

Spirit-Empowered Counseling
Truth in Love 282
Faithful biblical counseling is dependent on God not just in content, but also in practice.