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231 Results for salvation

Why Change is Possible

Christ makes change possible since you have been clothed in the new man.

The Centrality of the Gospel in Counseling

Whether we speak of Jesus in counseling is a matter of counseling ethics.

The Misuse of a Biblical Doctrine

The History of Christian Counseling and General Revelation

The integrative model of counseling misses the mark concerning the search and identification of truth by abusing the biblical doctrine of general revelation.

Facing Giants by Fixing Gaze

Eyes on the Covenantal King Rather Than Self as the Means to Victory in Terrifying Circumstance

What does the Bible teach about fear?

When You’re Tempted to Ask, “Why Me?”

Suffering is an opportunity in the hands of a sovereign and good God. 

Navigating Conflict with Lost Family

When we confront our family, or anyone for that matter, we must prayerfully speak the truth in love.

Prioritizing the Vertical

A Paradigm of Biblical Counseling from Exodus 20

A believer’s walk with God is first and foremost vertical in nature with horizontal implications.

Understanding and Dealing with Suicide

What will keep you from a life of suicide is not just knowing the 23rd Psalm, but knowing the Shepherd.

Thinking Biblically About the Enneagram

Truth in love 307

What we understand to be true about God by necessity impacts the way we view humanity.

Counseling Tips

Truth in Love 207

Don’t forget to keep the gospel central in the counseling room.

Counseling Unbelievers

Truth in Love 224

Counseling ministry can be missional.

The Goodness of God in Counseling

The goodness of God is a critical doctrine and a critical teaching in the Bible. As a counselor, we must be fully persuaded of God’s goodness.