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63 Results for sexual abuse

Help for Eating Disorders and Distorted Thinking

When we are trying to recreate our own identity, we are nullifying the grace of God.

God, Marriage, and Family

Book Review

Marriage is permanent, sacred, intimate, mutual, and exclusive.

Sexuality, Science, and Scripture

The heart of the matter is not our preferences, and it is not science. It is what God has revealed in His Word.

Counseling the Hard Cases

Book Review

Scripture is sufficient for all matters pertaining to counseling.

PTSD, Memories, and Biblical Counseling

Almost anyone who struggles with the aftermath of a traumatic event will have some difficulty and concerns with memories of the event.

What Are Our Responsibilities to Those We Counsel?

Do not allow your counseling to stop when the individual leaves your appointment.

Feeling Guilty After Rape

Truth in Love 173

How do we care for victims of rape in the aftermath of an attack?

I’m A Pastor, How Do I Counsel?

Truth in Love 19

Pastors should utilize their position of leadership to impact their flock with God’s Word in a personal way.

Considering Loneliness

Truth In Love 408

Why is loneliness more prevalent in a hyper-connected society today?

Addressing Sinful Pastoral Leadership

Truth in Love 319

Pastors are called to imitate Christ, to be gentle, to be lowly but also to be convictional and wisely shepherd people with the heart of Christ.

The War on Manhood

Truth in Love 217

We have to return to a biblical understanding of masculinity and manhood according to the Word of God.