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196 Results for heaven

Walk by the Spirit

The call of God is clear. We must walk by the Spirit, not the desires of the flesh.

Hope, When Hopes Die

Scripture is sufficient for even the grief of losing a loved one who died without Christ, and the comforts of Christ flow to this valley of the shadow of death.

Human Suffering and Heaven’s Hope | Part 2

Truth in Love 178

Affliction has taught me a more lively delight in and adoration of God.

Counseling and our Union with Christ

Our union with Christ is the foundation for personal change.

The Difference Between Humility and Humiliation

Is there a difference between being humble and being humiliated?

Ministering to the Spiritually Cold and Rebellious

Our responsibility is to be faithful in giving the Word and lovingly and accurately representing the Lord Jesus Christ.

In Every Season Give Thanks

Only the gospel can turn our minds from the cares of this world toward God.

Addressing Sinful Anger

God has a good design for anger. If we want to understand sinful anger, we need to understand righteous anger.

Striving in Prayer

When we remember that all human effort lies prostrate before the throne of God’s providence, we’ll strive in prayer.

A Biblical View of Finances

God gives everything, and everything we have has been given to us. We need to remember that. We are really managers, not owners of our money.

A Scriptural Framework for Marriage

Marriage is intended to be a picture of God’s relationship with His Church.

Empty Longings and God’s Treasures

Choosing to respond to our pain in a God honoring way will bring freedom and joy.