Thinking Wisely About Technology
Truth in Love 265
How does technology relate to doing all things for the glory of God?

Should Christians Count Their Calories?
Truth in Love 31
Food is not in and of itself bad, but the attitude from which one eats can be sinful.

Do You Need Coffee to be in a Good Mood?
Truth in Love 41
Christians should not be mastered by anything other than Christ—including coffee.

Creating a Culture of Discipleship in Your Church
Disciple-making is part and parcel of who we are and what we do.

Helping Women Who Struggle with Eating Disorders
Truth in Love 479
The hope of the gospel for those struggling with eating disorders.

Counseling Abandoned Women
Truth in Love 192
While her circumstances appear to be out of control, God is always in control of her circumstances.

The Kindest Person in the Room
Choose kindness with the right motive to honor God and demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ to others.