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30 Results for isolation

God’s Omnipresence as a Comfort and a Caution

As biblical counselors, we must remind our counselees that God is equally present during all their actions, both righteous and unrighteous.

Consumed by God’s Love in Our Grief

We need to remember that our hope comes from a never-changing, faithful God, rather than our ever-changing circumstances.

Counseling Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Plotting the Course

We need to be prepared to help those who have suffered in the aftermath of life-altering and sometimes life-ending affliction.


Truth in Love 176

How do we care for those who are suicidal and families who have lost a loved one to suicide?

Women and Pornography

Truth in Love 42

Pornography is not just a male problem; women are struggling as well.

Helping Singles Who Struggle With Same-Sex Attraction

Truth in Love 26

All of us have different battles and all of us need the encouragement and strengthening of other believers.