The Goal of Biblical Counseling
Truth in Love 269
What are we trying to accomplish? What are we setting out to do in the counseling room?

The Sovereignty of God in Psalm 145
Truth In Love 354
Why are the Psalms very important in counseling, especially when counseling others who are walking through difficulty?

Hope – An Essential Lifeline in Counseling
Biblical hope is the essential lifeline needed to help believers remain encouraged and steadfast in their walk with the Lord.

Our Sufficiency in Christ
Truth in Love 434
Counseling is not just about problem solving. It is about pointing believers to the glory, beauty, and sufficiency of Jesus Christ that leads to a deeper communion and enjoyment of Him.

Heath Lambert’s Biblical Counseling and Common Grace
Book Review
God’s ministry done in God’s way will never lack the resources needed to help people with their problems on this side of heaven.

The Love of a Leading Man
The love of a leading man depicts marriage as an elegant dance. The husband leads in such a way that serves his wife, so that she might flourish.

Good News about Bad News
One day Christ will come again and put an end to all the effects of sin and the curse.