Take Joy in the God of Your Salvation
No matter what your suffering looks or feels like, the beauty of biblical truths like these will refresh your weary soul when you make the choice to rejoice.
Embracing Your Complete Identity in Christ
Truth in Love 473
The believer’s identity is to be rooted and grounded in Christ.
The Standards of Doctrine of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors
Counseling is a theological discipline that must be informed by the truths of the faith once for all delivered to the saints in the pages of Holy Scripture.
Encouraging Parents with Unbelieving Children
Truth In Love 377
Is it the parents’ fault if their children are unsaved? How can we encourage parents who have wayward children?
Confidence in God’s Word
Truth In Love 460
God’s unchanging strategy for the believer’s ministry is to stand on the glorious, inexhaustible, and sufficient Word of God.
Standards of Doctrine
Doctrine of Scripture Doctrine of God The Doctrine of Jesus Christ The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit The Doctrine of Divine Grace The Doctrine of […]
More than Preachers
The Solas and Soul-Care of the Reformers
The passion of the reformers to pastor God’s people grew out of their knowledge of the ministry of Christ.
The Origins of the Enneagram
Truth in Love 306
We must ask, what does this system say about God, about man, about sin, and about salvation?
Do I Need to Forgive Myself?
It is not by the works of the believer that their sins are forgiven, it is through the blood of Christ.
When Your 6-Year-Old Professes Faith in Christ
Help For Parents
We love our children, we labor for their souls, and we desire nothing more than for our sons and daughters to also become brothers and sisters in Christ.